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Customer Acquisition & Retention 

Customer are centric to every business. It's important now more than ever to make sure that your customers have a positive experience and keep coming back. We can advise on how best to keep your customers engaged and ensure their repeat business. We can also provide a tool kit of new ideas to promote your business and attract new customers.

Serving First Course

Mystery Shop

At Smudge, we offer a mystery shopper service providing a full report assessing the experience available to your customers. We'll also advise positive steps of how you can improve your offering.

Customer Contact

How regularly are you engaging with your customers? Through the use of social media and mailing lists, there's no reason why you can't keep your customers up to date with new products, offers and incentives.

Picking Colors
Female Barista

Loyalty Schemes

Loyalty schemes are a great way of ensuring repeat custom. Whether it's a free drink, half price hair cut or discount on their next purchase, offering an incentive for customers to return will enhance the overall value of your product or service and motivate loyal buyers to make their next purchase.

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